11.It is necessary that Mark()in time to attend the meeting.
√A.come B.came C.comes D.will come
12.Tom is working hard for fear that he().
A.fell behind B.may fall behind
√C.should fall behind D.would fall behind
13.It is imperative that Hurst wood()to hospital at once.
A.is taken B.shall be taken√C.should be taken D.must be taken
14.The driver looked over the engine carefully lest it()on the way.
A.breaks down B.broke down
C.would break down√D.should break down
15.()Tomorrow,I ivory would surely be welcome.
A.If she comes B.When she comes
C.would break down√D.should break down
16.It is highly desirable that a new chairman()for the committee.
A.will be elected B.is elected C.elect√D.be elected
17.Kitty talks as if she()on the spot.
A.is√B.were C.has been D.be
18.I didn’t go to the concert.But I do wish I()there.
A.was√B.had been C.were D.went
19.It is requested that every student()a plan for the nest semester.
A.makes√B.make C.will make D.would make
20.The librarian recommended that the professor()the newly published books.
√A.borrow B.borrowed C.should have borrowed D.borrowing
21.Even if she()there,Margaret could not have done anything either.
A.were B.was being C.be√D.had been
22.I don’t think it advisable that Darcy()the job as a secretary since he has no experience.
√A.be assigned B.will be assigned
C.is assigned D.has been assigned
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